A versatile passenger / cargo aircraft
The Twin Otter is a versatile passenger/cargo aircraft. This multi-purpose, twin-engine, high-wing aircraft can easily be converted from an all-cargo configuration to seating for 17 passengers, or to a combination of both. Capable of safe operation on floats, skis, wheel-skis, wheels, and tundra tires, it can access short, unprepared strips and lakes, providing large-capacity airplane service to highly remote locations. Air Tindi operates six Twin Otters.
Fleet size
Available Landing Gear
Wheels, Tundra Tires, Floats and Skis
Ice/Gravel Strips
Available Passenger Capacity
Cruise Speed
170 MPH
Cargo Door Size
56" x 50"
Maximum Typical Payload
Approx. 3,000 lbs or 510 cubic feet
Cabin Length
18 ft.
Runway Length
less than 800 ft.
Typical Range
750 miles
Quick Change Combi
Configurations 1-17 passengers and cargo/baggage
With multiple configurations available, the Twin Otter offers unparalleled versatility, allowing us to accommodate all your passenger and cargo needs.

Are you ready to fly?
Thank you for considering Air Tindi! We look forward to welcoming you aboard.